Distilled Images Photography

The Devil is in the Details

This week's challenge is all about details.

Seeing Double

The Challenge: Reflection
The Interpretation: Various
For sone, it could mean a literal mirror reflecting a model.
Or, it could mean a glass window reflecting the onlooker.
It could also mean a symmetrical shot, that, while not a literal reflection, does have elements that reflect upon one another. A duplex, for example. Or two towers of a church building side by side.
It could also be about introspection: reflection upon one's life choices. Rodin's "The Thinker" for example. Read More…

Open Wider

The gig this week is to play with aperture: wide open aperture, shallow depth of field.
This is a technical challenge, and wide open in terms of creativity.
So… how will I make this happen?
wide Read More…