Distilled Images Photography

Seeing Double

The Challenge: Reflection
The Interpretation: Various
For sone, it could mean a literal mirror reflecting a model.
Or, it could mean a glass window reflecting the onlooker.
It could also mean a symmetrical shot, that, while not a literal reflection, does have elements that reflect upon one another. A duplex, for example. Or two towers of a church building side by side.
It could also be about introspection: reflection upon one's life choices. Rodin's "The Thinker" for example.
What kind of excites me this week is the idea of getting a couple of those ideas into one image:
A nude model posing in the style of the great Rodin statue, in front of a mirror that shows a reflection of his reflection.
Might be cool; might be totally cheesy.
Might be impossible given my track record in finding models in 2024 - it has NOT been easy.