Distilled Images Photography

Open Wider

The gig this week is to play with aperture: wide open aperture, shallow depth of field.
This is a technical challenge, and wide open in terms of creativity.
So… how will I make this happen?
Do I try and find a model for a bosyscape, going sharp on the tips of the toes and letting the rest of the body fall into blur as the eye travels back into the frame?
Do I try again the shot I had in mind for "Leading Lines" with a trail of coke going toward a nose, but only the nose in focus while the white line trails forward in blur?
Or do I get out to the Balboa Park Rose Gardens and capture some bloom among the others and carefully select the right depth of field to blur all but the main flower in my shot?
This one should not give me too much stress; since it's a technical skill that I understand, whatever I do this week will be on the mark, even if it isn't something I'd want to print and frame and hang on the wall for all to see.