Distilled Images Photography

You Light Up My Life

christmas-story-45-inch-full-size-leg-lamp-crate-box-1000-web_2_900xIn what I can only assume was an idea generated from someone watching A Christmas Story well after the holidays, our theme this week is Lamp.Yes, yo read that right. Lamp.Is there anything more exciting in the known universe than the humble lamp?Without it, there would be no light.So… pretty great, right?I do have an idea that I hope to pull off - I'd like to set up an interrogation scene like they used to do in the old detective films of the 40s. Something with the criminal stripped down in cuffs, and the single spotlight going right in his face, and his face going right to camera looking scared, angry, whatever.Let's see what I can put together this week.Wish me luck.