Distilled Images Photography

Something Wicked

When shall we three meet again? In thunder, lightning, or in rain?
This is what I keep thinking about while putting together my image for this week: Minimalist.
And all this because someone in the group mentioned that the new Denzel version of Macbeth has a very minimalist vibe. It does, to be sure. But it also has Kathryn Hunter, and it was on her that my eyes fixed.
I knew I wanted to pay tribute to her performance with the photograph this week, I just had to get Brad to agree.
The movie echoed back to the Orson Wells version of 1936 - I think it was, don't hold me to that - with stark high-contrast scenes and very little in the way of set design. But it was powerful in it's black-and-white-ness.
So watching the 2021 film with Brad and explaining what I wanted him to do was easier than I thought. He's agreed to be the muse for my work this week.
Now I just have to get out of the house and make it happen.